Training block: Weeks 5 and 6. Little to report. Very much like weeks three and four. I will spare you the details.
Week 7
Mon 13th
Omicron is gathering pace. I decide to skip this evening’s men’s session as its being combined with the juniors for some pre Christmas friendly competition. Young people are the main transmitters of the virus right now it seems. So long without catching Covid I don’t want it now.
Today was a nearly run day. Thought about it, looked at the time, gone 5pm dark outside. Not today, was the decision, but nearly I think. I was swaying towards a run. Maybe tomorrow.
Tue 14th
Finally able to record a run, my first since 2nd November. New running shoes having sat quietly for over a month finally get to do their thing. Great shoes they are too, as I take them for a gentle 20 mins or so jog. Purposely slow don’t want to have a heart attack, although why I think that I don’t know, maybe because I have been relatively sedentary for over a month now.
Anyway it’s good to be back. Running in the dark takes a little getting used too as I have not run in the dark for some years as I hav’n’t had the need to. Shouldn’t have the need to now either. Working too hard, need to rethink this as I do not want to exercise in the dark every day.
Although it’s a gentle jog my breathing also remains remarkably relaxed and unhurried even on the final hill. This is encouraging.
Indoors now and out with the yoga mat and block in front of the 6 o’clock news. Omicron is coming, like something unseen from an episode of Dr Who and it will be the dominant strain within two weeks. Maybe a job even beyond the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver. It’s all a bit gloomy for the hospitality industry, I cannot but help feel sorry for them.
The stretching is good and eases out a lot of stiffness from sitting all day long for many days. Finally feels like in week seven my training block is finally beginning. Hey ho!
What better day to order my red dragon. Random thought, spontaneous reaction and its ordered. If you are wondering what this is all about then take a look here. ITF Seniors Welsh Open, Rhiwbina Tennis Club, Cardiff. September 2020 – lifelongtennis.com
Weds 15th
I was planning another run, until stiffness crept on over the day. Did manage 100 bounces though. Looks like I am on my way back.
Still got a throaty cough which does not seem to be going away.
I have been thinking for some time about what else I can do to improve my game. Is it enough to follow a routine of coaching, practice and fitness. Everyone does this and not everyone succeeds, so what is the magic ingredient? Maybe there is no magic ingredient. And if there were would those who found it tell me anyway, surely they would keep it to themselves.
My mind is turning to the British cycling team and the concept of marginal gains and the Secret Squirrel club made famous by legedary cyclist Chris Boardman. Remembering things like drag reducing clothing and strange looking helmets. If ever there is a time for the Secret Squirrel club in tennis it is now in December, with opportunities to play limited and training sporadic.
Summoning my secret squirrel, I have continued to try and be inquisitive about what little innovations I can make. The 100 bounces per day is one such idea, though adherence is proving troublesome. Then out of the blue, I am scrolling through the usual rubbish that Facebook flings my way on a daily basis. That is not entirely fair, I mean who does not like to stop and watch people throwing themselves off mountains without a care in the world, or wild animals being freed from fishing twine or any number of weird things that can steal a few minutes of your day.
This thing on Facebook that has stopped me in my tracks – interesting very interesting. In fact in fairness this thing has been popping up on Facebook for a couple of weeks now and it took me a while to think it through. Is it a good idea? it might just be a distraction and may not be the best use of my time, but maybe ….. the possibilities though are enticing.
I am minded of the familiar saying – if you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got!
Today, the thing what I saw arrived neatly parcelled up. On opening I was not disappointed, just now need the application of time and thought to see if it will work. I would really like to tell you the reader about my secret squirrel, but now would not be the time. If I did tell of course it would no longer be a secret and with that all possible advantage would be lost. Succeed or fail, all will be disclosed in the fullness of time.
Thurs 16th
Not quite sure what made me decide that pulling socks from a kit bag was a good way of deciding this evenings doubles pairs, but did it anyway. Some quizzical looks and enquiry if I feel alright?!
Maybe it was the experience of my Booster jab earlier in the day. The system was running slow so there was time to read the leaflet I had been given. Near the top of the page it stated that I was going to be administered the ‘Spike Vax’ jab, which sounded very much like I seem to remember the Russian vaccine. Two staff striding in unison in PPE toward me did little to convince me that I wasn’t in a sci fi movie or back in my Dr Who imaginary world of earlier in the week. At the bottom of the page it said Spike Vax is manufactured by Moderna. All good then at least I had heard of Moderna, non the wiser what was in the jab though.
As for the evening’s tennis. I can sense the loss of condition, less able to leap successfully across to reach for a volley and got caught on my feet by good returns more than I would like.
Time to get on with the secret squirrel.
Fri 17th
Woke with a headache and by late afternoon I was feeling a little shivery, not a good sign and that morning’s headache returned. Limbs began to feel a little achy. That scuppered any thoughts of going for a run today.
The process of getting back to training is taking longer than I would like. Maybe tomorrow.
Sat 18th
After a good night’s sleep, the body seems to have recovered.
It’s a coldish breezyish day, with a low tide. A perfect day for the beach with the dogs. There are a few hardy surfers, heading for the surf, though no urge to rush home for wetsuit and surfboard from me.
The expanse of the beach stretches out in front of me. I feel my body stand properly upright for the first time in days, breathing in the refreshing sea air after too long this week hunched over a computer screen. The two face to face meetings of the past week having reverted to Zoom or Teams.
Away from the cliffs and into the sun walking along near the tide line. The coldish breeze holding back the warmth of the winter sun, apart from a few warm rays catching the side of my neck. It feels good to be alive, for a few minutes at least, not a care in the world, no pressing appointment to rush to do, or things to do that cannot wait a while.
These are the moments when I dream. It’s involuntary and fleeting. For a few steps only, I am Roger Federer walking the corridor on the way to the Centre Court at Wimbledon. Tall, relaxed and prepared. Perfectly at ease within my own skin knowing exactly who I am. Moments to treasure.
The breeze picks up, seemingly colder than before. Time to turn for home and on with the day.
Later, with a full moon rising and the afternoon sun setting, the feel good factor of the morning continues with another run. Gentle and controlled, relaxed and breathing easily. Stretching follows watching the football scores come in. More than half the games off, Omicron rising. Here we go again.